Angry GH Gay Man Releases Video Of Twitter Influencer Hayford Who Refused To Pay After Chopping

A young Ghanaian Twitter influencer is currently dominating on the local digital arena following the release of an intimate film titled "Hayford Trumu" by a known gay man simply known as Headucator.

The bedroom video sparked a social media firestorm, putting light on the intricacies of personal relationships and highlighting concerns about trust and accountability.

Hayford allegedly promised to pay Ghc 1,500 in exchange for personal services, according to @Heducator.

Hayford, however, apparently departed the location after the confrontation and has since eluded all attempts at communication. 

The harmed party claims that several calls and text messages requesting payment have gone unanswered for months.

@Heducator chose to bring the situation to public attention after becoming irritated with Hayford's obfuscation and betrayal.

In an audacious move, he publicly revealed the purported bedroom encounter with Hayford, accusing him of being a serial gay man who masquerades as straight.

According to the revelations, Hayford's public position against the LGBTQ community may be an attempt to redirect attention away from his activities.

Before making the startling charges public, @Heducator uploaded a photo of Hayford on his Instagram profile, inviting his followers who knew him in person to contact him.

Our source has begun efforts to reach Hayford for his side of the story as the Twitter community buzzes with speculation and comments.

The goal is to present a fair and balanced picture of the evolving scenario, taking into account all perspectives.

Hayford and Heducator's bedroom video is currently trending on Twitter, and you can watch it here.

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