Nana Aba Anamoah Slams Pastors Who Went To Galamsey Sites To Pray

Nana Aba Anamoah has taken a swipe at some Christian leaders who went on a tour of some illegal mining (Galamsey) sites in the Eastern Region over the weekend.

It was alleged that the clergymen visited the sites to pray for God’s intervention in ending the menace affecting Ghana’s forest reserves and water bodies.

“We pray that our people will humble themselves and change from our wicked ways… heal our land and save us, heal our nation,” one pastor was heard saying in a viral video.

After intercepting the video, the broadcast journalist took to Twitter to bemoan how the pastors have failed to apply “common sense” in saving the environment.

“They toured galamsey sites and later prayed to God for an end to the devastation. Dear God, don’t mind them. Okay? They know the people behind the destruction. Kindly direct them to those characters. Praise the Lord,” read Nana Aba’s tweet.

She argued that the intercessory prayer was a lazy approach to tackling the problem, intimating that God will not do any miracle as he has blessed us with brains to reason.

“Common sense is the ability to see, hear and understand things, and then make decisions that are common to most people without the need for PRAYERS!!

“To the ‘men of God’ who toured the galamsey sites and prayed to God to end the devastation. Read this LOUDL: God will not do by miracle, what he has blessed us brains to do.”

Meanwhile, the Christian Ecumenical Bodies of Ghana have denied reports that the clergy visited the galamsey sites to pray against the illegal menace.

The men of God reportedly went on a fact-finding mission took to ascertain the situation and how best they can contribute their quota towards curbing the menace.

But the uproar on social media has not waned.

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