Fake Soldier Busted At Burna Camp, Find Out What He Did


Rufai Abubakar is a fake soldier who was busted at Burma Camp by military personnel (MP) of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).

The cover was blown on him after attempting to arrange a flight to Tamale at the Air Force Base in Burma Camp while pretending to be a high military official.

The on-duty guards got suspicious of his actions, and after a confrontation, he admitted that he was not a member of the military.

A press release dated Wednesday, December 7 stated that the suspect had added a fake Lieutenant Colonel rank to his military camouflage suit and indicated that he was stationed at the Northern Command headquarters.

Parts of the press release read: 

“He also disclosed that he posed as a Senior Military Officer to enable him to defraud one Mr Abdallah Abdul Fatahu from whom he had collected an amount of Three Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢3,000.00) under the pretext of recruiting him into the Ghana Armed Forces.”

“At the time of arrest, the suspect had in his possession fake military identification and business cards and other documents bearing his name.”

A follow-up search at the two residences he sent the military police to led to the retrieval of documents including several certificates and fake GAF recruitment reports “bearing names of defrauded persons, military uniforms and accoutrements and a toy pistol”.

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