Lady Calls Out Friend For Sleeping With Her Boyfriend, Brother And Father


Abena Nelson is a disappointed friend who has taken to social media to call out her friend for sleeping with her boyfriend, brother, and father.

In a long series of tweets, she detailed how her friend, Sue Davies, betrayed her trust by getting intimate with her boyfriend in the bathroom.

After years, Abena Nelson has decided to call Sue out to tell the world how unloyal of a friend she was by allowing her uncontrolled sex drive to ruin their beautiful friendship.

Abena Nelson tagged her friend in the long narration below.

I have tried so hard to hold it all in since this nymphomaniac, I once called my friend had sex with my boyfriend, cheated on my brother, and made moves on my father @SueDavisxxx is just evil

We became friends at Nursing Training College in Cape Coast where I allowed her to stay in the two-bedroom apartment I was renting. We become like sisters over a short period, and I introduced her to my old brother, who became her boyfriend.

I would tell her everything and she told me everything that was going on in her life, her relationship with my brother, and more. I also told her everything about my boyfriend who was then living in Takoradi.

We sometimes went out together on double dates whenever our boyfriends came to Cape Coast together. She lived in Kumasi with her mom so when the school closed, she would visit us in Accra every now and then to spend some time with my brother at our father’s house.

We became like a family, and we started calling her our in-law. But I saw a different side of her after we completed nursing training and waited for placements. Suddenly, she wanted us to always to go the nightclub.

When we went out, she would get very drunk and sometimes behave unrulily. In fact, my brother started complaining about her behavior.

My brother had rented a room for her in Adenta and he spent the weekends with her there because of his work schedule with our father. My boyfriend also got a job at one of the ministries in Accra, so he moved to Accra. So, we decided he should rent a place in Adenta also.

Since we were still waiting for placement, we didn’t have much to do most of the time. So I spent most of my time with Sue whenever our boyfriends were working. Sue started complaining that my brother wasn’t spending enough time with her.

So, I visited her to keep her company when I can or go to the club with her when I can. Then on weekends, she spent all the time with my brother. Sue always told me she liked sex and shared some of the wild things she does with my brother, with me.

She complained that my brother’s performance was getting weak since he was spending more time at work. I started noticing her putting on a wild character whenever we went to the club, she was drinking more and dancing seductively with random guys.

I started reducing my outings with her because her behavior was also attracting some random guys to me at the clubs, which I wasn’t comfortable with. There was one week that my boyfriend took his leave, so I went to stay with him.

That was when I saw Sue going to her room with one guy, I had seen her with at the club before. My boyfriend said he had seen the car drop off Sue a couple of times. So I went to bed thinking he had just dropped her off.

Then in the morning, I saw the guy leaving Sue’s place in his car. I started feeling uncomfortable about the situation. I went over to Sue’s place later in the day and asked her how her previous day went.

She told me she came from the club with the guy, who slept over because he was too drunk to drive back home. I hadn’t even told her I saw them, coming back home, so I believed her story. If she was sleeping with the guy or any other person I couldn’t say at that point.

One time, I went back to school to collect some documents because I was applying to work at a private clinic. I had to stay in Cape Coast for a few days and on my way back I decided to surprise my boyfriend since it was a Saturday.

When I got there, the door to the main entrance was not locked so I just entered. I realized he was in the bathroom, so I went to the bathroom. To my surprise, my boyfriend was in the shower with Sue having hot sex.

I stood there in shock while watching the two of them fucking, with Sue moaning all over the place, and didn’t say a word till my boyfriend caught a glimpse at me. He screamed “oh no’ and then covered himself.

I left immediately and never went back to him. Surprisingly, he never even called to explain himself or beg for forgiveness. I was good to him, and he knows it, I even rented that room for him to stay in Accra. But I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

Sue on the other hand tried many times to call me but I didn’t mind her. Of course, I told my brother, so he doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore. Things even got worse when my father one day gave his phone to my brother to print some documents at the office

While with the phone, my brother saw a message from Sue to our father on WhatsApp. He curiously opened it to see a history of our father’s conversations with Sue which included her nude photos and videos.

He immediately recorded the WhatsApp conversation between Sue and our father and sent it to me with his phone. I was so shocked and disappointed. Thankfully from the convo, it was clear that our dad didn’t want anything to do with Sue.

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