"You Know I'm Innocent" : Andrew Tate Shouts As He Arrives In Court To Fight Detention


Andrew Tate has lost his appeal against the extension of his detention period at a court in Romania.


The influencer, accused of sex-trafficking and rape, declared his innocence as he arrived at court on Wednesday, Feb. 1, for his latest bid to get out of jail. 


?You know I'm innocent,? he shouted at reporters as he was led out of a prison can while handcuffed to his younger brother, Tristan Tate. 

Asked on his way to the Bucharest Court of Appeal if he expected to be freed Wedbesday, Tate 36, said: "There is not much justice in Romania."


The brothers will remain behind bars until February 27 after appealing against a judge's Jan. 20 decision to extend their arrest a second time.

Tate is detained in Romania on suspicion of organised crime and human trafficking.

Watch the video of Andrew arriving at court below.

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