They Warned Me To Stop Talking About Akufo Addo And Threatened To Kill Me : Bongo Ideas Apeaks For The First Time

Controversial blogger, Bongo Ideas also known as “I am the devil’s incarnate” has spoken for the first time after he was allegedly kidnapped.

Speaking in a self-recorded video, the controversial entertainment critic confirmed that indeed there was an iota of truth in what Ghanaians heard.

Narrating the story, Bongo Ideas said on 14th March, some men who claimed to be policemen went to his house around 3 am to get him arrested.

According to him, after beating him up, they put a gun at him and threatened to kill him as they told him to say his last prayer.

He went on to say that the alleged police officers warned him to stop talking about the first gentleman of the country, President Akufo Addo.

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