Man Who Goes About Scamming Spas, Restaurants And Resorts Busted


An infamous gentleman who has a penchant for scamming restaurants, spas, resorts, and hotels by not paying for the services has been arrested.

His photos were shared on social media in a renewed search for him after he played his pranks on one of the restaurants at Ada.

According to his victims’ accounts, the unusually large gentleman enters these establishments, orders services, and then flees.

He usually employs a trick that the victim is unaware of, and he is always successful in leaving their premises without paying.

According to stories shared by his victims, one said he ate food and enjoyed services to the tune of over GHC 10,000 before bolting. Another said he came to a spa, enjoyed the services, and left without paying the GHC2K charge.

Below are some of the stories shared by his victims…

Here is seen in an unconscious situation after he was eventually tracked down and arrested…

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