More PHOTOS And Videos Of The KNUST Student Who Died While Chilling With Her Boyfriend


A 22-year-old level 300 KNUST student, Aichaa Leticia has reportedly died after her boyfriend’s BMW somersaulted on the Accra-Tema highway leading to a complete damage of the car and loss of her precious life

According to sources, Leticia, her boyfriend and his two other friends were returning from an outing late in the night when the unfortunate incident happened.

Leticia was confirmed dead after being rushed to the hospital to receive treatment.

Following the virility of the devasting news, a lot of social media users including those who never knew about her existence prior to this sad incident have dedicated their timelines to mourn and sympathise with the bereaved family.

A couple of her beautiful pictures and Tiktok videos have also gone rife on social media leaving a lot of netizens teary in the process.

Social media users who seem to know more about the story have accused Leticia’s boyfriend of using her for rituals.

The reason behind these allegations stems from the fact that only Leticia died in the accident.

Some have even alleged that Leticia was killed before the accident and the car crash was just a veil to hide the evil deed.

The truth behind all these damning allegations is yet to be uncovered hence we should be patent and stay tuned for more…

Take a look at some of late Leticia’s photos and Tiktok videos…

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