Video Of SHS 2 Students Smooching Themselves Hits Online


It seems the youths are now much more concerned about making love than bettering their lives both financially and mentally.

About 90% of the videos that land on the internet from our various SHS’ are recorded intimate sessions of students and the remaining 10% are insults to authorities.

A new video that has set tongues wagging on social media users captures the moment some stubborn SHS 2 students decided to use their entertainment period for their own condemnable personal kinds of stuff.

In this video, about 10 of these students comprising both males and females were making love to each other as if they were inside the brothel.

The male students had their backs laid against the wall while the females leaned on them to receive passionate kisses.

Social media users who have seen this video have called on the school’s authorities to take disciplinary actions against these stubborn students since their faces can be clearly seen in the viral video.

Watch the video below:

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